Tag: Payara Week

Payara Week 2021: Of-FISH-ally Just as Good Online!

Long-time followers of Team Payara will know that Payara Week is our annual company-wide event. It’s our opportunity for team bonding, to discuss and develop ideas for Payara’s future success, and, most importantly, have lots of fun.

Last year, our fourth Payara Week took place at our Portugal office, located in Funchal on the island of Madeira. The fantastic event energised the team, and as the time for the fifth of these exciting company summits rolled round, we were faced with the question – what would Payara Week look like when pandemic-related restrictions meant it had to be virtual?

The answer? Thanks to the invention, imagination and innovation of our HR and Engagement team – and the fantastic attitude of “Payarans” all over the globe – Payara Week was just as creative, inspiring and relationship-building than in previous years! Payara Cloud lead developer Patrik DuditÅ¡ invites you to find out more…

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