Category: News & Events

Payara at Japan JUG CCC: Jakarta REST In Depth (Japanese translation)

今年、5月23日に開催される Japan JUG CCC Spring  にPayaraの Kenji Hasunuma (蓮沼賢志)が参加します。このイベントは、Japan Java User Group (JJUG)が主催する最大級のJavaコミュニティ・イベントで、年に2回、春と秋に開催されます。Java関連の技術やプラクティスの素晴らしいセッションが行われ、様々な分野のJavaエンジニアが集まり、今年はオンラインで開催されます。

Kenjiは昨年11月に開催されたJapan JUG CCCにも参加し、 Jakarta EEの短いチュートリアルを行いました。今年は、さらに深く、Jakarta REST APIのディープダイブを行います。

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Payara at Japan Jug CCC: Jakarta REST In Depth

This year, Payara’s Kenji Hasunuma will be participating in Japan JUG CCC Spring on May 23rd. This event is the largest Java community event organized by Japan Java User Group (JJUG), held twice a year in spring and autumn. It provides great sessions of Java-related technologies and practices and brings together Java engineers from different disciplines, and this year is being held online.

Kenji also participated in Japan JUG CCC last November, where he delivered a short Jakarta EE tutorial. This year, he goes more in depth, with a deep dive into Jakarta REST API.

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Payara Services at the Eclipse Foundation Jakarta EE Virtual Booth!

Payaran Rudy De Busscher can be found at the Eclipse Foundation Jakarta EE virtual booth at KubeCon EU 2021 this year, on May 5.

KubeCon is the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference, also aligned with CloudNativeCon, and gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities virtually from May 4 – 7, 2021 – with the ultimate aim of furthering  the education and advancement of cloud native computing.

The Eclipse Foundation have a virtual booth at the event where, in their role as stewards of Jakarta EE, they have invited experts to staff the booth chat, answering any questions from attendees on Jakarta EE technology and how this relates to cloud and Kubernetes.

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Digitisation Expert OBJECT is Payara Platform Partner

OBJECT, an IT services business leading in digitisation for German speaking markets, is at the highest level in our Partner Program.

This program offers global organisations an opportunity to generate recurring revenue streams by introducing their customers to the stability, support, and security of Payara Platform Enterprise.

Our current list of Payara Partners consists of some of the world’s most esteemed companies offering high-performance bespoke IT solutions, and OBJECT is no exception! Continue reading “Digitisation Expert OBJECT is Payara Platform Partner”

Deploy Friday: Move Your Java Microservices to the Cloud with Payara Services

Platform.SH is an end-to-end web platform for agile teams: a PaaS that aims to manage the application and the services that the application needs, such as a database.  Developing close to MicroProfile and Jakarta EE, like Payara Platform, it supports both specifications.

We’re honoured to be guests for the company’s weekly live discussion, hosted on YouTube with live chat. Our engineers Rudy De Busscher and Fabio Turizo will discuss moving your microservices to the cloud with Chad Carlson and Otávio Santana from Platform.SH.

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February Release Overview & MicroProfile 4.0

Join Payara engineers for an informative and practical webinar on the recent updates and enhancements to the Payara Platform in the latest release (Payara Platform February Release).

Every month, we answer questions on the most recent release and also discuss a key theme –  this month, it’s MicroProfile 4.0, now fully supported in the Payara Platform Community Edition. We have covered what you can expect from the latest specifications in a blog, but please use this opportunity to ask any questions you might have about MicroProfile and its new iteration.

Full support for MicroProfile 4.0 follows us announcing we are part of the MicroProfile Working Group.   The MicroProfile project was born as a community initiative to optimise Enterprise Java with a microservices standard platform, and the Eclipse Foundation‘s MicroProfile Working Group proposes and gain approval for new common APIs and functionality – in turn drawing on the knowledge of a wide variety of different vendors. As one of the contributors, Payara engineers will shape and drive the future of the MicroProfile specifications.

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Payara Services at DevNexus

We are pleased to announce that Payara Services’ Fabio Turizo will be delivering a demonstration at DevNexus 2021.

Traditionally based in Atlanta, USA, the DevNexus Conference’s goal is to connect professional software developers from all over the world, and help them hear from and interact directly with internationally acclaimed presenters and technologists while also connecting with like-minded developers.

Due to Covid-19, this year’s event will be a free, online-only event. Talks will be presented without interruption, after each there will be a live discussion session with the speaker.

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Global Open Source Tech Company Payara Services Announce Membership of The Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse

Payara Services is pleased to announce their membership of The Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse (EIDA), a growing business network that raises awareness and provides resources for employers to identify and address domestic abuse among their workforce and signpost access to services to help stop perpetrators. Continue reading “Global Open Source Tech Company Payara Services Announce Membership of The Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse”

Rudy De Busscher at ConFoo 2021

We are pleased to announce that Rudy De Busscher will be delivering his demonstration, ‘Easy Integration with Testcontainers’, at ConFoo 2021.

Originally in Montreal, Canada, ConFoo is a multi-technology conference for developers, gathering over 100 presentations by popular international speakers. This year’s event will be virtual, and will take place online from 22 to 26 February 2021 – with Rudy’s talk to be found on the final day of the conference

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