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Scaling, when applied to software development, often refers to increasing the size of an application so it continues to function well. This can mean assigning more memory or CPU and/or running multiple instances of an application.
Should you scale up your Jakarta EE application? And if you decide you do need to, what is the best way to go: vertical or horizontal, and then how can you start with distributed deployments and longer term solutions?
This checklist looks at key factors to consider, helping you check you have weighed up all the options before jumping into a scaling decision. It covers:
Payara Platform contains many features that help you scale more efficiently, including dynamic scaling with our AutoScale feature and aggressive compatibility with Kubernetes, Docker and cloud vendors.
Category: Datasheet
Subject: CTO Resources, Developer Lead Resources, Jakarta EE, Java Developer Resources, MicroProfile, Ops Manager Resources, Payara Server, Procurement Resources, VP Engineering Resources