eBook: Understanding the Business Risks of Using GlassFish Application Server in Production Environments

Understanding the Security Risks of Using GlassFish

Is your enterprise still relying on the outdated GlassFish application server? This exposes your business to significant security vulnerabilities and operational risks, as the runtime is no longer supported. Therefore, you may be leaving your critical applications and data open to attacks.

In our comprehensive eBook, “Understanding the Business Risks of Using GlassFish Application Server in Production Environments”, you’ll learn:

  • The security vulnerabilities of unsupported Java EE environments such as GlassFish.
  • How hackers exploit these vulnerabilities to access sensitive data.
  • Real-world examples of the business costs of running outdated software.
  • Practical steps to migrate to secure, supported alternatives.

Take the first step in safeguarding your applications and reducing business risk. Download the eBook now and discover how moving from GlassFish to Payara Platform can ensure a safer, resilient and more reliable infrastructure.

Download the Free Guide Now!

Category: eBook

Subject: Developer Lead Resources, GlassFish, Industry, Jakarta EE, Java Developer Resources, Security

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