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Notification Service works in the background to allow services such as JMX Monitoring, Payara Health Check, and Request Tracing to send messages to the notifiers.
Payara Platform Notifiers deliver monitoring and alert messages to external systems. Payara Enterprise has a more comprehensive list of notifiers so the system your company uses is likely supported.
The Notifier API allows third parties to create Payara Platform notifiers for their system and allows developers to customize notifiers for their needs.
The Notification service can be configured using the Asadmin tool or through the Admin Console.
Payara Server contains a variety of different tools to monitor the server, including push notifications and a Monitoring Console with an alerts system which allows you to formulate advanced conditions to classify metric values as unhealthy, degraded, or healthy. This state is used to trigger alerts and enhance the visualisation of metrics in graphs. Alerts can be listed and managed. In some cases, additional meta data is provided in connection with the cause of the alert. This datasheet gives an overview of the monitoring tools available in Payara Server.
Payara Server contains a variety of different tools to monitor the server, each with a different focus:
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Read the documentation to learn more about the Notification Service, Notifiers and Asadmin commands.
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The JMX Monitoring service is integrated with our existing notification service, meaning you can remotely receive monitoring data via any of our notifiers, from email to Slack.
When enabled, the Health Check Service periodically checks some low level metrics. Whenever it detects that a threshold is not met, it triggers alert notifications that allow to detect undesired behaviour and predict possible failures.
Within Payara Server, the JMX system is used to store all the data that the monitoring service captures of the modules within the runtime. You can use any tool that can connect to the JMX system to collect these data and monitor the environment. Besides this direct access, the notifier service can send this information to various channels so that the data can be integrated with external systems. The Notifier service is modular since October 2020 with version 5.2020.5 so that you can include only those notifiers that you are interested in and use within your environment. These notifiers cover a wide range of channels, from typical destinations like email, JMS Queues, over APM tools like DataDog and NewRelic to communication platforms like Teams, Slack, and Discord. In this blog, we take a look at enabling JMX Monitoring for the JVM Heap Size, monitoring the process Heap Size, and then sending that information to a Discord channel.
Previously, Payara Server did not offer a convenient way to add extensions. If you wanted to add an extension, you had to download the Payara Server code base, build the entire repository, write your own extension and module, and basically act as a developer. We’re working to create a simplified way to add extensions to Payara Server, starting with the Notifier API.
If you're running your applications using Eclipse GlassFish, or one of its older iterations, you may have encountered one of the following common issues that hamper the productivity of your application development and overall server management in some capacity:
Payara Platform has implemented MicroProfile OpenTracing with its own tracer that can be sent to other sources via the notification service. But maybe you don't want to use Payara's Tracer, and instead want to use a different one - now you can, starting from Payara Platform 5.194 onwards.
This is an updated blog of the original which was published in May 2016 Payara Server provides the Health Check Service for automatic self-monitoring in order to detect future problems as soon as possible. When enabled, the Health Check Service periodically checks some low level metrics. Whenever it detects that a threshold is not met, it triggers alert notifications that allow to detect undesired behavior and predict possible failures. All of these automatic checks are very lightweight and run with a negligible impact on performance.
In the previous blog of this series, we learned about 5 production features of the Payara Server 5. This blog will continue to introduce 5 more production features of Payara Server 5 that you might not know about - but should.
If you've upgraded to Payara Server 5 or are considering using Payara Server in production, here are 4 production features you might not know about - but should.
As part of release, new notifier integrations were developed for Payara Server for the New Relic and DataDog application performance monitoring (APM) services. Both services allow the gathering of JVM statistics, HTTP metrics and support the use of notification for critical events in the server lifecycle management. In this era of cloud services, performance monitoring is an integral part of the IT infrastructure for any organization, which is the reason integration with these services has been brought to Payara Server. This article will show how to correctly set up these notifiers to that purpose.
Payara Server 171 was a huge release with lots of new features and improvements on many others. We've already written about improvements to the Request Tracing service and had a guest blog about using the email notifier. The email notifier is just one of a whole host of notifiers we now have available. A lot were added in the 171 release and more are on their way in the imminent 172 release!
The latest version of Payara Server extends the Notification Service with many ways how to process notifications and send them to external services. Sending notifications as email messages to an SMTP server is now provided out of the box. It is even possible to use an account on a public email server, such as Gmail. In this guest blog, Alessio Gennari - a member of the Payara open source community - explains to you exactly how it can be done.
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