Business-ready architecture. Work with an open source leader.
Try Payara Enterprise
Luxury German Vehicle Manufacturer Migrates from GlassFish to Payara Server
Download BMW Case Study PDF
Develop an innovative application that:
Uses any Generative AI technology
Is built on the Jakarta EE platform
Demonstrates a practical use of AI in an enterprise Java environment
Use the Payara Starter: Generate a Jakarta EE app template with the Payara Starter.
Existing Application: You can also enter the competition if you have an existing application that meets the contest requirements.
Create a public GitHub repository: Share your code on a public GitHub repository. Use the same username you registered with for the Hackathon.
Include a README file containing: project description, setup and run instructions, list of technologies used, any additional notes or explanations that you think judges will find useful.
License with Apache Open Source: Ensure your codeis submitted under the latest Apache OS License
Use the form below to submit your application entry.
Submit source code in a public Git repository (e.g., GitHub, GitLab)
Include README file as described above
You can include optional demo video (maximum 5 minutes, uploaded to any video hosting site) showcasing the application
Your application doesn’t need to be a fully polished product
Focus on innovative ideas and practical use cases of Generative AI
Show how well AI concepts integrate with Jakarta EE
Deadline: submissions should be made by the 6th of November 2024 23:59 GMT.
Please read the Hackathon Rules carefully before submitting for full Task Requirements (Section 4) and Eligibility Criteria (Section 3).
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