Payara Supplier Code of Conduct Policy
Payara is a global company which uses a blend of employees and suppliers to enable it to provide the best customer service and innovative software.
We have a clear company Mission and Vision and we use our Values to ensure we achieve these, therefore who we are as a company and as individuals, how we manage our business internally, and how we work with customers, partners, other organisations, communities, and suppliers is very important to us.
Employees must adhere to an internal staff handbook which gives clear guidance and detail around the company expectations in conduct and behaviour through numerous policies and procedures.
The information below gives clear guidance on the behaviours Payara expects from all its suppliers. Preferred suppliers are given more detailed guidance on the polices and expectations in these areas Payara entrusts it suppliers to self-monitor compliance to these standards and act with integrity while working with Payara. However, Payara may ask to audit suppliers or inspect suppliers’ facilities to confirm compliance.
Legal Compliance
Suppliers must adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in force while conducting business with Payara or on Payara’s behalf, and their business activities should reflect adherence to laws and regulations around.
- Labour laws
- Environment and sustainability
- Finance and business record keeping
- Trading
- Equal opportunities
Anti-bribery and Corruption
Payara will conduct all of its business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and we expect Suppliers to do the same. We will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption and terminate all dealings with suppliers if found to be engaging in bribery or corruption by offering Payara employees’ kickbacks, favours, gifts, gratuities or anything that is intended to obtain favourable treatment. – for more details see Payara Anti bribery and Corruption
Payara aims to work in a professional and ethical manner but if a supplier has concerns around impropriety then they are encouraged in the first instance to report wrong doing to the company. On no occasion should reporting to the media be the first action. The company will carry out an investigation and report back its findings. Suppliers are also expected to monitor and report any behaviours or conduct that is in breach of this code of conduct by suppliers to Payara. For further details see our
Whistleblowing policy.
Data Security/GDPR
Processing of personal information within the EU, and by suppliers who offer services to businesses within the EU, is now regulated by GDPR. All suppliers must be able to show compliance with GDPR and must uphold the processing of personal data against GDPR standards. For further information around data security and GDPR see our website or email
Use of Payara Trademark and copyright licence
Suppliers should refer to Payara Marketing policy around Trademark
Conflicts of Interest
Unless disclosed and approved in advance, suppliers shall not enter into a relationship with a Payara employee where there is a financial gain to be made. Suppliers should not enter into a relationship with third parties that has a detrimental impact on Payara or its products and services. Suppliers should consult their agreement for supply of services or Terms and conditions for further details.
Health and Safety
Payara expects all suppliers to provide a safe and healthy work environment and fully comply with all safety and health laws, regulations, and practices locally and nationally. Payara has a Health and Safety policy that all suppliers must adhere to